1/87 BTR-82AT with SLAT armour and IR scope

Artikel-Nr.:  PZF-87051
1/87 BTR-82AT with SLAT armour and IR scope - Bild 1
1/87 BTR-82AT with SLAT armour and IR scope - Bild 2
1/87 BTR-82AT with SLAT armour and IR scope - Bild 3
1/87 BTR-82AT with SLAT armour and IR scope - Bild 4
1/87 BTR-82AT with SLAT armour and IR scope - Bild 11/87 BTR-82AT with SLAT armour and IR scope - Bild 21/87 BTR-82AT with SLAT armour and IR scope - Bild 31/87 BTR-82AT with SLAT armour and IR scope - Bild 4
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